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WCCTV Named Best Newcomer at Retail Awards

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WCCTV was named Bestnewomer at the delayed Retail Risk Fraud Awards 2020, recognising the Company's successfully body camera project with Morrisons PLC.

WCCTV was named the Best Newcomer at the delayed Retail Risk Fraud Awards 2020, held 22nd July 2021 at the Novotel West, London.

The award recognises the Company's ongoing security partnership with Morrisons PLC and WCCTV's delivery of over 1,500 body cameras for frontline security workers at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Retail workers, who provided essential services throughout the pandemic, have become one of the country's most vulnerable groups. 

Statistics suggest:

  • 400 retail workers suffer verbal abuse every day (source)
  • 9 in 10 retail workers suffered verbal abuse in the last year (source)
  • Violence against retail workers DOUBLED during the pandemic (source)

Security workers faced a plethora of previously unknown challenges as a result of the pandemic, including social distancing, queue marshalling, face mask enforcement and management of bulk purchasing, along with their standard duties. 

While supermarkets across the country reported sharp upturns in cases of violence towards their staff, Morrisons were quick off the mark to protect their teams with body camera technology from WCCTV. 

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How Body Worn Cameras Protect Key Workers

As a UK manufacturer of body worn cameras and supporting services, WCCTV could build, test, deliver and remotely install cameras across all of Morrisons stores despite the lockdown restrictions - a unique benefit that helped Morrisons respond quickly to the emerging threats. 

Speaking on picking up the Retail Risk Fraud Award, the highest peer-to-peer recognition in the retail security industry, WCCTV's Head of Body Worn Cameras David Short said: 

"This is an absolutely brilliant accolade, and recognition of the success WCCTV have had within the retail sector in what has been a very short time."

"Whilst I was there to accept the award, I did so on behalf of everyone at WCCTV because it truly is a team effort and something I think we all should be very proud of."

WCCTV has quickly become the body camera supplier of choice for the UK's leading retailers, providing a high-quality product backed by a comprehensive service. To learn more, click the link below. 

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WCCTV Body Worn Cameras

Why WCCTV Body Cameras

The deployment and installation of WCCTV's body worn video solutions is a cost-effective and simple way to protect your most vulnerable workers.

We can customise our solutions to suit any company's internal IT infrastructure, networking or work patterns.

Our cameras have been designed for ease of use with simple one-button controls, reducing the need to provide a lengthy training session for your teams.

As one of the UK's most experienced providers of body worn video, WCCTV understands that every deployment has its own set of challenges and objectives. That's why we have invested not just in our products but in a comprehensive range of support services to ensure our clients get the best results. 

During these uncertain times, protecting your essential workers by equipping them with the right tools to do their job safely and without fear is paramount. Get in touch with WCCTV today on 0800 470 4630 or emailing and find out how we can help.

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