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11 Types of Security For Construction Sites in the UK

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The world of construction site security is filled with various solutions, but do you know the main types of security available to you? Find out here.

Construction site theft costs an estimated £800 million a year in the UK, and this can create delays and major disruption, depending on the project.

But what types of security are available to construction sites? And how can you utilise them to prevent such crime?

Understanding the Risks of Poor Construction Site Security

A lack of poor construction site security will place you at heightened risk of crime as intruders will view your site as an easier location to target.

Most construction sites who have been faced with theft, vandalism or intrusion will understand the large financial impact felt from such crime, however, the consequences extend much further than this. 

Other knock-on effects include:

  • Project delays
  • Compromised worker and visitor safety
  • Damaged equipment
  • Loss of materials, tools and machinery
  • Potential legal issues
  • Risk of accidents
  • Reputational damage

Overall, upholding security could be the deciding factor in the protection of your site and staff, as well as the success of the project. 

The 11 Main Types of Construction Site Security

There are various security options available to construction sites that help to prevent and protect the challenges presented to them. 

Due to the difference in the type of security that is provided by them, a blended approach of multiple measures is best to ensure all bases are covered. Below we walk you through 11 types of construction site security and how they work:


There are many signage types construction sites can invest in to prevent crime and protect their site. 

For most, implementing signage stating the legal consequences of construction site crime helps to promote this messaging to any intruders. An individual may not feel as confident breaking in if they are aware they could face prison time and heavy fines.

Some intruders and criminals may ignore or not know the true implications of such crime and this will make them look the consequences directly in the eye.

CCTV Systems

Fixed CCTV systems are not appropriate for most construction sites due to the lack of power source and internet, however, with the development of mobile CCTV systems, this is now considered to be the most effective form of defence.

Like our CCTV Towers, mobile security solutions such as this have complete power autonomy and do not require any input from you.

Additionally with WCCTV, all of our Towers utilise high-quality video, infrared PTZ tech, and zoom in capabilities to ensure maximised construction site security, meaning you do not skimp on security whilst using our system. 

As construction sites are temporary, finding a solution to match this and be flexible with your needs is important. At WCCTV, we understand there are many benefits of renting CCTV cameras and ensure that all our Towers can be rented in order to suit your individual project.

CCTV Tower Deployed at Osborne Site

Perimeter Fencing

Many construction sites use perimeter fencing to restrict the view of any outbuildings, machinery, and valuable materials against intruders or unauthorised individuals.

There are various types of fencing, but for most construction sites a high, steel fencing is most effective due to its durability and difficulty to overcome. However, even with state-of-the-art fences, intruders can still find ways to bypass or access your fencing to enter the site. 

Watch how a WCCTV captured intruders on a construction site where perimeter fencing was present and effectively deterred any crime from taking place:

Security Guards

Security guards can provide your construction site with a 24/7 surveillance solution, patrolling the perimeter to ensure no unauthorized access takes place. 

Their presence also works as a criminal deterrent by showing individuals that the location is under watch. Criminals are attracted to easy targets and implementing security guards creates a challenge for them which can deter them from attacking your site.

However, security guards cannot cover a full perimeter at all times and there is a risk of human error due to tiredness which can decrease the security provided to your site. 

Therefore, it would be recommended to have this as an additional security feature, rather than as a sole option. Regarding overall benefits, mobile surveillance systems compared to security guards are considered to be the better option for maximised security.

Remote Security Services

Unlike traditional CCTV systems that work to record incidents and respond retrospectively to threats, remote security services do the complete opposite. 

There are many key components with remote security services that would benefit the construction industry, however, the main basis is to provide a proactive and reactive approach towards security.

Backed by security experts, all our products use this service as a method to challenge intruders who have entered or are attempting to enter your site. 

When motion is detected, security experts in the monitoring centre will assess the threat, deter the crime through live message and call the required personnel to attend the site. This includes contacting the Police where necessary.

Access Control

Access control systems help to manage those entering the site, especially during the work day. 

Criminals will go to lengths to impersonate construction workers in order to access the site and those with authorised access will be unable to manage this on the construction site whilst they are working. 

Therefore, utilising technology such as card readers, biometric scanners, and keypads helps to ensure only those authorised can enter and exit the site. Additionally, this will track entries in case an intruder manages to impersonate any individual with this.

Essentially access control systems aim to mitigate risks and maintain an entry record that you can refer back to.

Equipment Registration

Construction site equipment can be costly, hence why thieves target them. 

To protect your tools and equipment specifically, many individuals will mark the tools themselves or register them as criminals will be less likely to steal items they believe can be traced. If they are stolen, marking your equipment will help boost the chances of receiving them back if located.

For further security, your construction site would benefit from an inventory list of all equipment in order to trace if any is stolen overnight or when you are not on site. Thieves can move quickly, so where you are able to track yourself this will help to support your construction site’s security.

Risk Assessments

All construction sites should be completing risk assessments prior to beginning for various reasons including for environmental purposes and for health and safety. However, this is also required for security.

You have to get in the mind of an intruder and consider all access points, all the construction site weak spots, and all the variables surrounding the construction site. If you are not aware of this yourself, how can you prepare for it?

Understanding your site’s vulnerabilities will allow you to implement the correct security measures to tackle this and to improve the protection of highly valuable equipment and materials stored there. 

Security Lighting

This may seem counterproductive, installing lighting and illuminating your site for all potential intruders to see, but there is an effective way to utilise lighting. 

Yes, constant lighting could disrupt your CCTV and create risk to valuables on site, however, most crime is completed at night. Especially, during Winter where we face darker nights, construction sites will face heightened risks to crime.

Therefore, investing in motion-sensored lighting can help to avoid both risks whilst providing a boost in criminal deterrence for you. 

Criminals aim to remain concealed and motion-sensored lighting will come as a surprise and threaten this hidden identity of theirs to be revealed. 

Read Our Ultimate Guide on Construction Site Safety and Security

Alarm Systems

Installing an alarm system allows the appropriate individuals to be informed when it is detected at your construction site. By doing so, it provides a chance for crime to be stopped in the act or minimise the impact caused from it. 

There is the risk of false alarms and missed opportunities using sole alarm systems, therefore, utilising a security service with live voice down audio or siren capabilities provides an upgraded surveillance presence. 

Due to the high risk of theft, construction sites require an all-round service that can deter, detect, and defend against such crime. Therefore, our CCTV Towers offer live monitoring and live voice down audio to both deter crime and respond to threats quickly.

Security Locks

Locks are a simple security solution to boost the protection of any entry points, outbuildings, and storage areas on your construction site. Particularly for outbuildings where materials, equipment, and machinery are often stored whilst off site. 

However, using cheap locks can be quick and easy for criminals to gain access to, without needing to put too much effort in to do so.

This means that if you are looking to apply them, research into your options and find the one most suitable to your access points and that would be most difficult for any intruders to overcome.

WCCTV: An All-In-One Security Solution for Construction Sites

Construction sites have unique security challenges that require a unique security solution to deter, detect, and de-escalate crime quickly. 

Compared to traditional CCTV systems, our Towers utilise a remote monitoring service with security experts that assess, identify, manage and respond to threats appropriately. Ensuring that false alarms are minimised and that crime is more likely to be intercepted whilst active. 

Standing at 6 metres tall and being bright yellow in colour, our range of CCTV Towers are an all-in-one security solution that can be used alone or within a blended approach, whilst remaining cost-effective. 

To find out how we can support your construction site or next project, speak with one of our CCTV Tower experts today!

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